Thursday, May 26, 2016

Rachael's Story

My name is Rachael Corbitt and I grew up in South Boston.

My LEAP story began my first year of high school when I was 14 my advisor
Rachael Corbitt telling her story
introduced me to Girls’ LEAP.  I first became a program participant, then teen mentor, then moved onto an internship and was soon a college volunteer (known Teaching Woman).  I’ve spent about 6 active years at Girls’ LEAP, however the connection is 8 years and impact will be life lasting.

I graduated from UMass Darmouth in December with a BA in Psychology.  Now I am working as at the South Shore Mental Health Hospital as a Residential Rehab Educator.

When I started Girls’ LEAP I was very insecure, and unsure of whom I wanted to become.  Girls’ LEAP taught me I have potential and capacity to do anything I set my mind to & that it’s okay to say “no” when need be.

Going away to college was a huge transition for me.  I felt that once lit flame in me become dim. I felt lost and insecure and I began to follow instead of lead.

I tested my limits and made mistakes. One of Girls’ LEAP mentors Kristen Cuneo always said, “It’s ok to make mistakes, practice makes better; and don’t give up on yourself.” I find myself hearing this quote from her when I’m feeling doubtful and its helps me gain my courage back.

Rachael with her Girls' LEAP
Mentor Kristen Cuneo
Now as a 22 year old and reflecting upon the long term impact of Girls’ LEAP in my life – I mentally picture some of the charts and diagrams we used in program to help de-escalate situations. I use these in my personal life and in my work with clients.  A few other big take always are; having advocates who see the potential in me and the willingness to be supportive, like Kristen.

I’m very grateful that I found this program at such a young age.

Girls’ LEAP taught me to be proud of whom I am and surround myself with advocates and women who are just as proud of me and themselves. I now know how important it is to have a connection to powerful women so that I can have a powerful connection to myself.  With that I’m confidence my flame will never go out thanks to the support I found at Girls’ LEAP.

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