Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Are Boston Public Schools a safe place for our youth? Girls' LEAP wants to hear your story!

According to the October 26th Channel 5 News report, in the past two years:
·         175 students across Massachusetts were suspended for committing sexual assault in school and
·         1,877 students were disciplined for sexual harassment. 
·         In Boston, 263 cases of indecent assault and battery were reported, with 41 student suspensions.
The most startling discovery from this report: these numbers are most likely inaccurately low.  
Many cases of sexual assault and sexual harassment are going unreported in Boston Public Schools because “the superintendent’s sexual assault policy for the district states its fact finding should be kept to a minimum and department employees “should not engage in a detailed investigation.”’  Thus, incidents of sexual assault are so mismanaged by schools that often authorities do not have the opportunity to investigate and parents may never find out.
Girls’ LEAP wants to hear from students in Boston Public Schools.  Do you feel safe in school?  Have you experienced or witnessed violence at school?  Do you think your school does enough to protect you?  Do you think the Channel 5 report is accurate?
Please comment!  Comments should be submitted anonymously or with your first name only.


  1. i go to a very small school in copley, there are around 400 students in my school and since there is not that much students, i don't experience violence everyday, but there is at lease one fight per year in my school. the only problem i worry about my school is that during the day the front door is always open, because students transfer from buildings to buildings to their next class, and we don't have to wear any students id's so if a stranger walk into our building, no one would know. for the 4 years i've been at snowden, no big danger have happen, but just for the safety of the students i think my school should come up with a better safety system!

  2. too me school is not safe. i say this because as much gose on in the streets gose on in schools. to me school trys to to stuff to make school safe butit dosent work becuz the kids make the school

  3. It's astounding that with statistics like these, Boston Public Schools maintain such negligent policies towards sexual assault and harassment, bullying - policies that only empower those responsible. These are all serious issues that most certainly do not belong at schools. The fact that the people with the most power to make a difference - teachers, principles - remain bystanders for the most part is in my opinion, embarrassing to say the least. This is exactly why programs like Girls' LEAP are so important - because someone needs to show these kids that bullying is not normal or alright. That they can and should do something when they feel threatened. It seems to me that one of things Girl's LEAP does so well is teaching girls to find their voice and become their own best advocates. I know that the lesson that has resonated with me most after taking self-defense class is that every one of us, big or small, shy or outgoing, every one of us is strong - so much stronger than we realize. We just have to know it.
