Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Watch Jameelah's Digital Story: Being Authentically Feminine

Jameelah's Digital Story: Being Authentically Feminine

  After one year of learning and growing as a teen mentor, I was able to make a strong individual assertion that yes, I am worth it. This statement is in the form of a digital story, a short film that teen mentors in the summer create to reflect on their experience in a meaningful way. My digital story is about being authentically feminine. 

One of the biggest takeaways I have from my experience as a teen mentor is that it takes courage to be authentic, but taking this positive risk is important because when we are authentic we are the best version ourselves. As a woman,it is especially important to be true to myself. Others would have me believe that there is a certain expectation for womanhood that ought to be met or a set standard for femininity. I have watched so many girls grow into themselves and each of them had a unique journey, just as I have. I now know that being authentically feminine is not only important, but necessary for authentic change to happen. My digital story outlines this very important journey that I was fortunate to be led onto by my mentors at Girls' LEAP. At the end of my journey I was able to say that I am worth it.

~ Jameelah

All season, we have been sharing the story of Jameelah, one of our former Teen Mentors. Working with Girls' LEAP had such a positive influence on her, and she has grown into a strong, confident young women.
Your gift by midnight tomorrow will ensure that Girls' LEAP can work with more girls like Jameelah to help them discover their strength and self-confidence. 

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Girls' LEAP Provided a Safe-Space for Jameelah to become a Leader and Role-Model

Teen Mentors Jamie and Jameelah 
"When Jameelah started at LEAP in the fall of 2014 she was shy to share her opinions.  We watched her grow more and more confident.  When she set her mind to accomplish something she achieved results on the highest level.

By summer of 2015 her peers were drawn to her as a leader and aspired to master the curriculum like her.  She created true group cohesion and inspired her peers.

At LEAP she learned to value her own perspective and gained the confidence to share her voice and become a leader and mentor to others.  Jameelah is an awesome Teen Mentor."
~ Katjana, Executive Director

At Girls' LEAP we know it is important for girls to have safe spaces to explore their identity, to enlarge their vision of what they are capable of, and to develop empathetic and powerful relationships with each other and with women.

Jameelah age 17, one of our Teen Mentors, has worked with many girls in our programs empowering them with the strength and courage to grow up safe and strong.

Jamie, age 17, joined the summer Teen Mentor Program and bonded with Jameelah. We saw her strongly impacted by having the opportunity to learn from an experienced powerful young role model like Jameelah

I learned how to connect with myself and find my purpose and then shared my purpose by connecting with other girls that I was teaching, and unknowingly inspiring. Physically I am strong, but emotionally I am stronger.
 ~ Jameelah, Age 17, Teen Mentor

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Jameelah's Mom Has Seen Her Confidence Grow and is Proud of Her Daughter

Jameelah reads her poem at our Spring Gala
 Girls' LEAP seeks to empower "the whole girl". We teach girls and teens, like Jameelah, both physical self-defense skills and self-reflective, socio-emotional skills to help them to discover the power of their bodies and voices.

Jameelah's mother, Alicia, has seen the positive influence that Girls' LEAP has had on her daughter's self-confidence and well-being. Jameelah has learned how to use her voice to speak her mind and to advocate for herself and for others. She has become a strong and confident young women.

Can you help more girls like Jameela find their voice?  We need your support to empower over 1,000 girls and young women in 2016. Please make your 2015 tax-deductible donation by midnight December 31!

We know that when we empower girls and young women to value and champion their own safety and well-being; in turn, they will improve our community for everyone. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Jameelah's journey has been a gift to Emily

Emily Welden, Program Manager

"I started at Girls' LEAP as a Team Leader working with Teen Mentors in fall 2014. Jameelah was one of the teens in my group, and over the course of that semester I was able to witness her intelligence, her humor, and her warm heart. 

When I first met her these qualities were sometimes held back, but over time Jameelah's confidence and influence with her peers has grown in LEAPS and bounds. 

Knowing Jameelah has made me a braver and more compassionate person. Seeing her develop such a sophisticated relationship with her authentic self has been a truly life changing gift."

Girls' LEAP is lucky to work with strong, confident girls and young women through our self-defense programs and Teen Mentor Program. We are proud to work with such inspiring young females and play a part in their learning and development as women.

Jameelah, one of our Teen Mentors, is no exception. Girls' LEAP Program Manager, Emily, has supervised and worked with Jameelah over the past couple of years. She has watched her blossom into a bright, strong, and confident young woman. 

Participating in Girls' LEAP has definitely helped Jameelah become who she is today.